Social Media Resources

Use the resources below to share on your social media profiles! These are to be used as a tool to update your friends & family on your progress during the fundraiser, as well as a tool to drive donations.

Update Your Story

Use on your Instagram or Facebook story to update your progress on your ride goal! Save the template, upload as your store and type in your goal. 

Click on your ride goal below to save your template

About Us

Bike for Mental Health is a fundraiser with the goal of raising money in support of mental health initiatives. 100% of donations are used to fund mental health initiatives in Saskatchewan. Established in July 2020.


Looking For Help?

Contact a local support & crisis hotline

Contact Us

[email protected]

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Bike For Mental Health uses the transaction provider Stripe for website transactions. If you would like more information before making your donation, please contact us.

Copyright © 2024 SK Bike For Mental Health, Inc.