Mackenzie Shore

1Mackenzie Shore

Current City: Yorkton, Saskatchewan

Ride Goal: 150 km by August 31, 2024

Why are you taking part in this challenge?

I am participating in Bike for Mental Health not only for my own mental health but for all my family and friends that are struggling as well. Since the passing of my brother at a young age I’ve battled with depression. Bike for Mental Health has encouraged me to get outdoors with my wife & dog and has had a positive impact in my life.

Who are you riding for?

I am riding for my oldest brothers best friend who recently passed away due to mental illness and I pledge to ride in Dustin’s name.

“You don’t have to be positive all the time. It’s perfectly okay to feel sad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, scared and anxious. Having feelings doesn’t make you a negative person. It makes you human.” -Lori Deschene

Leave a Donation!

SK Bike For Mental Health, Inc. is a fundraiser with the goal of raising money for mental health initiatives in Saskatchewan, Canada.

100% of proceeds raised are donated to mental health initiatives in Saskatchewan. 


200.08 KM

2020 Ride Log
Date KM Biked Route
August 1, 2020 14.20 km click here
August 7, 2020 13.71 km click here
August 7, 2020 8.28 km click here
August 10, 2020 10.05 km click here
August 11, 2020 6.95 km click here
August 14, 2020 14.83 km click here
August 15, 2020 4.11 km click here
August 17, 2020 20.14 km click here
August 18, 2020 10.54 km click here
August 19, 2020 4.11 km click here
August 20, 2020 14.79 km click here
August 22, 2020 1.78 km click here
August 22, 2020 1.74 km click here
August 24, 2020 20.58 km click here
August 25, 2020 5.73 km click here
August 26, 2020 22.40 km click here
August 27, 2020 14.41 km click here
August 28, 2020 7.25 km click here
August 31, 2020 4.48 km click here
About Us

Bike for Mental Health is a fundraiser with the goal of raising money in support of mental health initiatives. 100% of donations are used to fund mental health initiatives in Saskatchewan. Established in July 2020.


Looking For Help?

Contact a local support & crisis hotline

Contact Us

[email protected]

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Bike For Mental Health uses the transaction provider Stripe for website transactions. If you would like more information before making your donation, please contact us.

Copyright © 2024 SK Bike For Mental Health, Inc.