Austin Bourhis

Austin Bourhis

Current City: Regina, Saskatchewan

Ride Goal: 100 km by August 31, 2024

Why are you taking part in this challenge?

I am participating in the Bike For Mental Health because I love the cause we’re working for and I enjoy biking. Getting out on the bike and getting some exercise is a great tool to help escape the anxiety or stress that life throws at me.

Who are you riding for?

I am riding for anyone and everyone that suffers from mental health issues, currently or in the past.  You are not alone. Find that avenue that you can use that helps you cope; talk to someone, seek help, or enjoy some exercise.

Leave a Donation!

SK Bike For Mental Health, Inc. is a fundraiser with the goal of raising money for mental health initiatives in Saskatchewan, Canada.

100% of proceeds raised are donated to mental health initiatives in Saskatchewan. 


202.95 KM

2020 Ride Log
Date KM Biked Route
July 27, 2020 12.89 km click here
July 28, 2020 11.07 km click here
July 29, 2020 11.18 km click here
July 30, 2020 7.02 km click here
July 30, 2020 6.40 km click here
August 2, 2020 12.62 km click here
August 4, 2020 8.33 km click here
August 4, 2020 14.80 km click here
August 4, 2020 2.69 km click here
August 4, 2020 11.76 km click here
August 6, 2020 21.80 km click here
August 8, 2020 17.48 km click here
August 13, 2020 20.17 km click here
August 16, 2020 11.29 km click here
August 17, 2020 17.50 km click here
August 20, 2020 11.72 km click here
August 22, 2020 4.23 km click here
About Us

Bike for Mental Health is a fundraiser with the goal of raising money in support of mental health initiatives. 100% of donations are used to fund mental health initiatives in Saskatchewan. Established in July 2020.


Looking For Help?

Contact a local support & crisis hotline

Contact Us

[email protected]

Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada

Bike For Mental Health uses the transaction provider Stripe for website transactions. If you would like more information before making your donation, please contact us.

Copyright © 2024 SK Bike For Mental Health, Inc.